use tantivy::postings::Postings;
At its core of tantivy, relies on a data structure called an inverted index.
This example shows how to manually iterate through the list of documents containing a term, getting its term frequency, and accessing its positions.
use tantivy::postings::Postings;
Importing tantivy…
use tantivy::schema::*;
use tantivy::{doc, DocSet, Index, IndexWriter, TERMINATED};
fn main() -> tantivy::Result<()> {
We first create a schema for the sake of the
example. Check the basic_search
example for more information.
let mut schema_builder = Schema::builder();
For this example, we need to make sure to index positions for our title
field. TEXT
precisely does this.
let title = schema_builder.add_text_field("title", TEXT | STORED);
let schema =;
let index = Index::create_in_ram(schema);
let mut index_writer: IndexWriter = index.writer_with_num_threads(1, 50_000_000)?;
index_writer.add_document(doc!(title => "The Old Man and the Sea"))?;
index_writer.add_document(doc!(title => "Of Mice and Men"))?;
index_writer.add_document(doc!(title => "The modern Promotheus"))?;
let reader = index.reader()?;
let searcher = reader.searcher();
A tantivy index is actually a collection of segments.
Similarly, a searcher just wraps a list segment_reader
(Because we indexed a very small number of documents over one thread there is actually only one segment here, but let’s iterate through the list anyway)
for segment_reader in searcher.segment_readers() {
A segment contains different data structure. Inverted index stands for the combination of
let inverted_index = segment_reader.inverted_index(title)?;
A Term
is a text token associated with a field.
Let’s go through all docs containing the term title:the
and access their position
let term_the = Term::from_field_text(title, "the");
This segment posting object is like a cursor over the documents matching the term.
The IndexRecordOption
arguments tells tantivy we will be interested in both term
frequencies and positions.
If you don’t need all this information, you may get better performance by decompressing less information.
if let Some(mut segment_postings) =
inverted_index.read_postings(&term_the, IndexRecordOption::WithFreqsAndPositions)?
this buffer will be used to request for positions
let mut positions: Vec<u32> = Vec::with_capacity(100);
let mut doc_id = segment_postings.doc();
while doc_id != TERMINATED {
This MAY contains deleted documents as well.
if segment_reader.is_deleted(doc_id) {
doc_id = segment_postings.advance();
the number of time the term appears in the document.
let term_freq: u32 = segment_postings.term_freq();
accessing positions is slightly expensive and lazy, do not request for them if you don’t need them for some documents.
segment_postings.positions(&mut positions);
By definition we should have term_freq
assert_eq!(positions.len(), term_freq as usize);
println!("Doc {doc_id}: TermFreq {term_freq}: {positions:?}");
doc_id = segment_postings.advance();
A Term
is a text token associated with a field.
Let’s go through all docs containing the term title:the
and access their position
let term_the = Term::from_field_text(title, "the");
Also, for some VERY specific high performance use case like an OLAP analysis of logs, you can get better performance by accessing directly the blocks of doc ids.
for segment_reader in searcher.segment_readers() {
A segment contains different data structure. Inverted index stands for the combination of
let inverted_index = segment_reader.inverted_index(title)?;
This segment posting object is like a cursor over the documents matching the term.
The IndexRecordOption
arguments tells tantivy we will be interested in both term
frequencies and positions.
If you don’t need all this information, you may get better performance by decompressing less information.
if let Some(mut block_segment_postings) =
inverted_index.read_block_postings(&term_the, IndexRecordOption::Basic)?
loop {
let docs =;
if docs.is_empty() {
Once again these docs MAY contains deleted documents as well.
let docs =;
Prints Docs [0, 2].
println!("Docs {docs:?}");